Top 5 Teas To Drink On a Rainy Day

Fellow Tea Lovers,

Happy New Year! I hope that 2011 has started off on the right foot for you as it has for me. The first week of 2011 has been filled with sunshine and warm breezes here in Kunming, but all that ended today. Rainy, cold and damp are the only words to describe what I had to walk through to get to class today (I know that my friends in Canada feel no sympathy for me at this moment) and this drastic weather change had me reaching for my warm mug of tea more than ever.

So this got me thinking about all the teas that I love to drink on a cold, generally unpleasant day, teas that are real pick me ups. Therefore, in honor of the first real cold day of 2011 (in Kunming), I give you my Top 5 Teas To Drink On a Icky Day:

5. Generic Black Tea with Milk and Sugar
I am not usually a fan of boring black teas (I like teas with a little bit more personality) but there is no denying that the addition of hot milk and brown sugar saves the day here. The British have drunk tea in this manner for many a year, and although the Brits are not exactly world famous for their culinary skills, I have to say that they got it right with this one:)

4. Lapsang Souchong
This Chinese smoked black tea has been a favorite in Russia since the two countries began trading. Who knows more about surviving the cold than the Russians? This tea is sometimes disliked by tea connoisseurs and novices alike because of its somewhat overpowering “smoky” flavour. It’s for that exact reason I love Lapsang Souchong. Also, it helps digestion after meals, especially heavy ones, you know, like the ones you have on a cold day.

3. Chamomile and Honey Tea
Is there anything more soothing than Chamomile? Added bonus: being herbal, this tea is perfect to help you go to sleep on those stormy nights.

2. Green Tea and Mint
Refreshing and soothing, mint tea is one of those teas that is always great to drink, be it hot or cold weather. The taste of crisp mint always makes me think of Morocco, thus thinking of hot weather when it is anything but. Thanks Mint Tea. Thank you for whisking me away to a warm country:)

1. Chai
Black tea+ spices+ sugar+ milk= awesomeness. As soon as the boiling water hits this blend, your nostrils are filled with the sent of spices, and thus begins the adventure! This Indian tea is the ultimate in comfort, warming every inch of you as the flavors of cardamonne, mace, fennel, black pepper and cinnamon dance on your tongue. Can you think of anything better? I can’t.

I hope that you are able to enjoy these teas as much as I do, and that they will warm you up on those dull and dreary days.

Drink on tea lovers, drink on!

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